We are glad that you have chosen to focus on your mental well-being. Before you move on with our Services, we would like to make you accustomed with our Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and Cancellation Policy. Kindly go through the policies herein to know how we function.

Things to keep in mind before proceeding further:

- We are not a medical service provider in the literal sense. We do not provide psychiatric care or treatment for severe mental illnesses including but not limited suicidal thoughts;

- The information available on the Website or its affiliated platforms only exists for educational / informational purposes. It must not be considered as a substitute to examination by a doctor or other mental health professional. You are advised strongly to get help from the certified medical practitioners available within your vicinity;

- Through the use of this Website, you will come across licensed mental health professional trained to provide mental health services. You acknowledge and agree that you take full responsibility for the decision to access an expert through the Website and to continue to interact with the counselor;

- Lastly, do note that this website is not a suicide helpline platform. If you are considering or contemplating suicide or feel that you are a danger to yourself or to others, you may discontinue use of the services immediately at your discretion and please notify appropriate police or emergency medical personnel.